Wine Cruise- Southern France City of Toulouse

Wine CruiseCity of Toulouse in the South of France- Wine Cruise

The city of Toulouse is located at the heart of the Midi Pyrenees region in southwestern France. It lies on the banks of the River Garonne. With its beautiful historic center, Toulouse is one of the most lively and metropolitan provincial cities in France.

Toulouse is France’s fourth largest city and has a very vibrant and spirited atmosphere with a strong student presence. It’s a wonderful experience to stroll around the historic center, walk alongside the Garonne and the Canal du Midi, and visit one of the many pavement cafés for a delicious cup of coffee!

As you move around the city of Toulouse, you notice the 2,000 years of history evident in architecture of brick and tiles very typical of the cities, villages and farms of this region. The reflections of the sun on the brick of Toulouse have deserving earned it the name of the ‘Ville Rose’, imparting an atmosphere to the city that is both gentle and warm at the same time.

Toulouse has long been an aviation center. St. Exupéry and Mermoz flew out from here on their pioneering airmail flights in the 1920s. The city is now home to Aerospastale, the national Space Center, the European shuttle program, the leading aeronautical schools, and a frontier-pushing electronics industry. All this is possible in Toulouse due to its 110,000 students, who make it second only to Paris as a university center. All inhabitants of the city love to go to the old Ville Rose for their entertainment – pink not only in its brickwork, but also in its politics.
Toulouse also is renowned as a great place for shopping. You can find all reputed and well known brands in fashion, design, leather goods, and jewelry here in first rate shops.

An Extraordinary Wine Cruise

The Midi-Pyrenees has a great reputation for being one of the southwest’s most important food and cultural regions, and Toulouse takes pride in its several open-air and covered markets, where you can find local products from the region. There also are some wonderful buys, such as delicious wines and cheeses, charcuterie, foie gras, and the famous speciality dish of the region, Cassoulet, which is made with white beans, duck or goose confit, meat and sausages.
Toulouse has many different faces ranging from its numerous churches, its museums and galleries to the Space Center. Once you visit and move around the city, you will discover the charms of the Ville Rose! You can visit Toulouse from the barge St. Louis! We offer Bordeaux barge cruises and wine cruise for visiting Toulouse! Europeanbarging 888-869-7907

German River Town Vilsfofen

German river townThe Delightful Town of Vilsfofen on the Danube River

The beautiful town of Vilsfofen is located in the German district of Passau. It is a small town which picturesquely stands at the confluence of rivers, Vils, Wolfach and the Danube. In Vilsfofen, river Vils and Wolfach flow into the Danube, giving it the names “The Three River City” and “German River Town”. When viewed from the opposing river bank, the town gives the impression of an island floating on the river.

There are several attractions in the small town of Vilsfofen. In fact, this German river town is an interesting combination of history and modernism. One can see the historical structures such as the historic town square with its landmark, the town tower, as well as the church of Saint John, as witnesses of bygone era. The small, carefully renovated lanes that link the old town center with the Danube and the various monuments, such as the Mary Help of Christian’s church also remind one of the times long passed.

Enjoy the Modern Side of The German River Town Vilsfofen

On the other hand, the town of Vilsfofen is very much modern, open minded and cultured.  Various events are organized in Vilsfofen throughout the year which makes the town quite famous. The most famed and celebrated events organized in this town are “The Danube in Flames”, the “floating” Christmas market, the traditional “Volksfest”, and cultural events such as the “Days of the Cabaret” organized in the autumn.

The German river town Has Great Attractions For All Visitors

There are some landmark places in the town of Vilsfofen which give it a very modern flavor. The African Museum in the Benedictine Abbey Schweiklberg, the art gallery situated in the town tower with its changing exhibitions, the newly created town hall gallery, and the works of art in the different sculpture parks are enough to prove that Vilsfofen is a modern city.

Several cruise lines either start or end their Danube River cruises in Vilsfofen. So if you have decided to book your holiday on a Danube River cruise, you will get an exciting opportunity to visit this delightful town of Vilsfofen!

Arcy-Sur-Cure- Burgundy Barge Cruise

August 1 bigVisit The Caves at Arcy-sur-Cure On The Burgundy Barge Cruise

Arcy-sur-Cure is a commune in Burgundy, France. The caves are located just south of the commune and ranked as one of the leading prehistoric sites of France. The caves at Arcy-sur-Cure are a series of caverns dug into the rock by the Cure River. There are a total of 11 caves, including the Grande Grotte or Great Cave, the oldest embellished cave in the world after Chauvet cave in Ardèche.

The site offers much to mesmerize its visitors, such as the underground lakes, stalactites and stalagmites, as well as stunning concretions and other-worldly subterranean landscapes. Yet, it is the traces left behind by past inhabitants of these caves that make the greatest impact on visitors.

The caves at Arcy-sur-Cure were once occupied by human beings for thousands of years. They hold rock paintings of different animals inhabiting the area at the time, as well as hand imprints left by the occupants some 30,000 years ago. You can see wonderful paintings made with ochre and charcoal, often representing animals, such as the mammoth, the bear, the rhinoceros, or felines and birds. You also can find negative handprints and various symbols, such as points, sinuous lines and a trapezoid. These cave drawings are so mesmerizing and give an enthralling and unforgettable experience.

Every day between Easter and All Saints’ Day, the caves are open for public viewing. The guided tours last about an hour. Bookings are done in advance. The tours can be organized for groups of 15 people or more. It is also feasible to organize archaeological visits on Saturdays and Sundays, which also require advance booking.

People with reduced mobility also can access these caves. Films and photographs are strictly prohibited. Animals also are not allowed.

Take A Cruise Along the Burgundy Barge Cruise Six Passenger Barge Elizabeth

Our six-passenger barge Elizabeth is an excellent option for visiting the prehistoric caves at Arcy-sur-Cure. Call us to book your holiday on this Burgundy barge cruise and have a wonderful experience seeing the authentic and marvelous cave drawings! Europeanbarging 888-869-7907

Enjoy Afternoon Tea in Paris

Afternoon TeaAfternoon Tea in Paris

Paris is one of the finest cities in the world for shopping and afternoon tea. So when visitors are in Paris, it is inevitable that shopping comes to mind as soon as they step into the city. Although there are many shopping stores in Paris, visitors would particularly love Le Bon Marche. This is the biggest Left Bank department store as well as the oldest in the city which was planned by Gustav Eiffel and opened its doors in 1852.

Le Bon Marche, specializes in luxury fashion for men, women and kids; it has an exquisite collection of furniture, high class gifts and household items. It is one of the three most visited and best known department stores in Paris. So travelers have a great shopping experience here.

Rose Bakery Tea Room for Afternoon Tea

After travelers get tired with all that shopping at Le Bon Marche, they can relax at the store’s Rose Bakery Tea Room. The French is world famous for their politeness, and formality; and French dining dwells on a lot of etiquette and mannerisms. Afternoon tea is very much an essential part of French dining and life. Rose Bakery tea room, located on the second floor of Le Bon Marche, visitors can choose from a wide range of French pastries and have a relaxing cup of afternoon tea.

Get a Taste of Well Known French Pastries with Afternoon Tea

Many know about French pastries throughout the world and that knowledge alone makes the country a great attraction for pastry lovers. There is a large variety of French pastries, which look like something ethereal, and taste like ecstasy. The ambience of the Rose Bakery is as enthralling as the variety of food offered here. The crisp white walls and classic dark floors are a combination of vintage and design pieces. Also, visitors will find many delectable muffins, and cakes, on beautiful pastry stands. The luxurious Tea Room lets travelers best enjoy your Parisian dream. Although Rose Bakery offers a variety of food items, it is particularly famous for its scones, carrot cake, fresh juices, and jams—all made from local, organic products.

While, in Paris, Le Bon Marche will give travelers a wonderful experience. Travelers can satisfy their shopping desire here, and then relax on a cup of afternoon tea along with some nice French pastries at Rose Bakery Tea Room of the shop. That would be enough to make your day!

Maulbroon Abbey Complex- The Best Preserved Medieval Cistercian

Maulbroon Abbey Complex located in Central Germany

Maulbroon Abbey ComplexMaulbroon Abbey Complex, situated on the outskirts of Maulbroon, Germany is the best- preserved medieval Cistercian monastery complex in Europe. This complex has been separated from the town by fortifications and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 1993. Apart from being the best-preserved and most complete monastic complex, the Maulbroon Abbey also stands as a specifically representative example of medieval architecture.

This Maulbroon monastery was founded in 1147 though the central church came into existence in 1178 which was then dedicated to the Virgin Mary. One peculiar quality of the main church is that it was built in a style transitional from Romanesque to Gothic, which had a substantial influence on the spread of Gothic architecture over many of the northern and central Europe.

Several other buildings of the complex such as cellar, auditorium, refectory and etc. were built in the 13th century, whereas most fortifications and the fountain house were constructed in 14th century

Explore Gothic Architecture at the Maulbroon Abbey Complex

The church consists of a two-story Romanesque nave and a low chevet leading to a transept with three rectangular chapels opening off each arm. A stone screen was created to separate the monks from the lay brethren. The Gothic vaulting of 1424 that replaced the original wooden beams mutated the rigid spatial divisions practiced during the lifetime of St Bernard of Clairvaux, integrating the Romanesque traditions of the Hirsau region into the Cistercian requirements of austerity and renunciation.

The fortifications consist of two walls, an outer wall, and an inner wall. There are many post-monastic buildings within the designated area, mainly in plastered stone such as the former hunting lodge of Ludwig, Duke of Württemberg, and the ducal stables etc. inspired by Renaissance elements.

Visit the Maulbroon Abbey Complex for History and Innovation

The Cistercian Order was renowned for its innovations in the field of hydraulic engineering and Maulbroon monastery complex is a great example of that. There are several reservoirs, irrigation canals, and drains, which were aimed at providing water for the use of community, and for agriculture; though after the secularization of the monastery’s land in 19th century, things have quite changed.

The Maulbroon Abbey Complex, with so much to offer, is a place you must visit. This German UNESCO site will enthrall you with its history, architecture, style and innovation.