Saarbrucken is the capital city of the state Saarland in Germany

Visit Saarbrucken Germany

saarbruckenSaarbrucken is the capital city of the state of Saarland in Germany. It is situated at the heart of the Saar-Lor-Lux region next to the French border. It is a charming city with lively cultural scene, baroque architecture and a French aura combined with the joie de vivre of the Saarland.

The population of the city is approximately 180,000 and is strongly influenced by its closeness to France and the chequered history of a French-German border town.

Saarbrucken is the administrative, cultural and commercial seat of Saarland. It came into existence in 1909 as a result of the fusion of three towns- Saarbrücken, St. Johann and Malstatt-Burbach. Initially, it happened to be the industrial and transport centre of the Saar coal basin and gave away products such as iron and steel, sugar, beer, pottery, optical instruments, machinery, and construction materials.

Saarbrucken is a renowned University City and trade fair venue. The city is easy-going, friendly and emanates a feel-good atmosphere.

Saarbrucken takes pride in being home to some of the best attractions in the state. It offers a great deal of interesting historical sites and milestones which attract countless visitors from all over Germany, Europe and other parts of the world. The Saar River and forest landscape are among the natural attractions of the state which everybody will admire and adore.

The topmost historical attraction of Saarbrucken is the Alte Brucke-the arched stone bridge across the Saar. Built in 1546, it served as a vital passageway across the river. It was destroyed during World War II by aerial bombings. When the war was over, the bridge was restored but to a smaller portion. Presently, visitors can cross the stone bridge and enjoy the history spread over centuries.

Another principal attraction in the capital city is Saarbrucken Castle. The location of the current castle dates back to the year 999 and over the years the castle has been rebuilt several times. Today, this German castle is part of a palace complex built in the Baroque style in the 18th century.

The Church of St. Arnual is yet another high point of Saarbrucken. It was built during the 13th century. This Gothic style building ranks among one of the most prominent religious landmarks in southwestern Germany. Old part of the town is also very attractive. The St. Johanner Markt(Sankt Johann market) with its boutiques, bars, bistros and restaurants is the heart of Saarbrücken life.

Take an Excursion and Enjoy Saarbrucken While you are at it

Saarbrücken can be visited on an excursion from a river cruise in Germany.
We offer River Cruises between Saarbrucken and Strasbourg. Call us today to book your holiday with us!

Visit Maastricht the Oldest City in the Netherlands

Maastricht it the Capital of the Province of Limburg

maastrichtMaastricht is the oldest city in the Netherlands. It is the southernmost city in the country and the capital of the province of Limburg. It is situated on either side of the river Meuse at the spot where Jeker River joins it. The city is conveniently located within walking distance of Belgium and cycling distance of Germany. Maastricht has a rich history ranging from being a Belgic settlement to start with, then a Roman settlement, a religious center and later on an early industrial city. The city has around 1677 national heritage sites which is an evident proof of its opulent history. The city comes second to Amsterdam with respect to the number of heritage sites in a Dutch town.

Today, Maastricht is particularly known as a city of culture and education. It is a wonderful place with certain splendid buildings and rich culture apparently visible in a number of old houses and buildings, beautiful cathedrals and a magnificently cobble stoned city center. Maastricht is renowned for its exquisite cuisine, finest shops and multicultural environment.

Maastricht is an extremely popular tourist destination due to its historical old center and a wide scope for shopping. The University of Maastricht has a great reputation worldwide and is a coveted learning haven for many national and foreign students.

Maastricht is a greatly appealing city not just for sightseers and tourists but for new inhabitants as well. This is evident in city’s superb nicknames such as the “Culinary capital of the Netherlands” and “Europe’s smallest metropolis.”

Maastricht offers you a perfect opportunity to gratify your love of art and fine life. When it comes to history, art and culture, the city has an abundance of them. Located in a hilly area, the city is beautifully surrounded by alluring nature. Attractive historic little districts, exemplary restaurants and a lot of art and attractions make Maastricht an enviable city.

The most amazing thing about the city is that you can see the full city center on foot. In order to enjoy watching beautiful nature and castles on the outskirts of the city, you can easily hire a bicycle.

Walking through the historic inner city will help you believe the fact that Maastricht is the oldest city in Netherlands. The wonderful sight of city walls, churches, massive merchant houses and big squares merging flawlessly with an extensive and diverse range of shops transports you back into a bygone era, leaving you totally spellbound and enthralled.

Choose One of Our Holland Cruises

There are a number of barge cruises as well as casual bike and barge cruises visiting Maastricht. You can choose one of our Holland Cruises, Holland Tulip Cruises or Bike and Barge Holland Cruises in order to watch the beautiful city of Maastricht.

Lorelei Passage on the Rhine River

Lorelei Germany is the Place to Visit

lorelei germanySituated on the eastern bank of the Rhine near St. Goarshausen, Germany, Lorelei refers to a mighty slate rock that soars around 120 meters above the waterline. The rock is the most prominent feature of the Rhine Gorge that is a 65 km section of the river between Koblenz and Bingen which lists on UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lorelei rock is 433 feet high and the Rhine River at this famous point is up to 82 feet deep and only 371 feet wide. So,
Lorelei passage defines the narrowest part of the river between Switzerland and the North Sea.

Lorelei rock is very famous and has a lot of history and folklore associated with it. According to a popular legend, Lorelei was the name of a young maiden who jumped to her death from the rock due to an unfaithful lover. Then, she became a siren who bewitched the hearts of the sailors with her hypnotizing voice and when they looked up to the rock, their boats crashed and they were engulfed in the deep waters. The legend says that Lorelei’s voice can be heard even today. The legend of Lorelei has inspired several works of art, music and literature apart from popular folklore. Among the dozens of poems and songs it has inspired is Heinrich Heine’s “Die Lorelei”.

Since the Middle Ages, Lorelei passage has always been very difficult to navigate as it is extremely narrow. Even in the 19th century, it was an ordeal for ships to pass this point due to reefs and rapids.

Several river cruise ships sail the Rhine River. So you can get aboard one and enjoy watching Lorelei and many castles on the way. The vineyards along the way offer some beautiful views.

Rhine River Cruise

Our Rhine River cruise will be a perfect choice for you to enjoy the beauty of the Rhine Valley which is full of medieval German castles, historic towns and vineyards and of course the very famous Lorelei rock.

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907,

Iron Gates and River Danube

Iron Gates or the “Gorge” on the River Danube

danube riverIron Gates refers to a gorge on the River Danube. This wonderful landmark is nestled between Romania in the north and Serbia in the south and marks the location where the Danube divides the Carpathian and Balkan Mountains.

Iron Gates contributes to the part of the boundary between Romania and Serbia. In a comprehensive way, it covers a route of 134 km; while in a restricted way, it covers just the last barrier on the same route, just beyond the Romanian city of Orsova. Orsova is well-known for having two hydroelectric dams, with two power stations, Iron Gate I Hydroelectric Power Station and Iron Gate II Hydroelectric Power Station.

Derdap National Park

The Iron Gates gorge, towards its Romanian side, constitutes the Iron Gates natural park, whereas towards its Serbian part, it constitutes the Đerdap national park. In Serbia, the gorge is popular by the name Đerdap (Ђердап), with the last part named Đerdapska klisura.

Originally, the Iron Gates comprised of four narrow gorges and three wide basins expanded over several miles of the river dividing Romania and Serbia. In order to control the speed of the river and make sailing though this part of the Danube River safer, a huge lock and dam was built in the 1960s. Presently, the river flowing through the Iron Gates is peaceful, and it is 130 feet higher than earlier to the dam and power station.

While cruising in Hungary, as you journey from Budapest to Iron Gates, you will enjoy watching the stunning landscapes and historic towns along the way. As you cruise through the Iron gates of the Danube, you will have an amazing experience of some of the most spectacular scenery that Danube has to offer.

Book your vacation on our Danube River cruise and enjoy watching the wonders of the beautiful Iron Gates gorge from the comforts of our cruise!

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907,

Visit the Old Capital of Hungary Esztergom While Traveling the Danube River

Travel Along the Danube River to Esztergom

EsztergomEsztergom is a small town near Budapest in Hungary. It is located on the right bank of the river Danube which defines the border between Slovakia and Hungary. It came into existence around A.D. 972 and since then has consistently played an important role in Hungary’s history.

Esztergom was the capital of Hungary from the 10th to mid-13th century when King Béla IV of Hungary shifted the royal seat to Buda. The first Hungarian king, St. Stephen’s birth and coronation ceremony took place here only. Esztergom takes pride in being home to the Hungarian Catholic Church as well as to the Basilica of Esztergom, a paragon of Classicism, the largest church in Hungary and the third largest church in Europe.

Visit Castle Hill and Basilica of Estergom

The Basilica is the emblem of Esztergom. It is situated on Castle Hill, and its 72m-high central dome is quite visible for several kilometers around. The construction of the building of current neoclassical church started in 1822 on the site of its 12th-century equivalent demolished by the Turks. During the final stages of construction, József Hild, who designed the cathedral at Eger, was involved. The basilica was sanctified in 1856 with a choral Mass composed by Franz Liszt.

As you stand in front of the building, its dramatic size is very impressive. Inside the Basilica, you will be thrilled to see the world’s largest altar-piece. It was created by Grigoletto who painted it on a single canvas picturing the ascension of Madonna. Organ and choir concerts inside the cool interior are a great attraction for visitors.
The Bakócz chapel (Bakócz-kápolna) situated on the southern side of the basilica is the most cherished relic of Hungarian Renaissance.
The chapel was built from red marble by Italian masters for Tamás Bakócz archbishop in 1506-07. Its altar has been created from Carrarre marble. The chapel originally used to be more towards the south. It was taken into 1600 pieces and rebuilt inside the Basilica in 1823.
There is no entry fee for the Basilica.
The colossal basilica of Esztergom, sitting high above the town and Danube River, is a magnificent sight that you can’t afford to miss. Book our Danube river cruise and visit the wonderful town of Esztergom and its incredible treasures!
For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907,