Learn About the History and Architecture of Besancon on a European River Cruise

Besancon is the capital city of the Franche-Comté region of northeastern France. It is situated near the border with Switzerland.  Held in a loop of the river Doubs, it was once known as the first green city of France. Since 1986, the city has been labeled a ‘Town of Art and History.’ Besançon’s Vauban citadel was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2008.

Besancon has a very ancient history. The city was first mentioned in 58 BCE as Vesontio in the Book I of Julius Caesar’s Commentarii de Bello Gallico (Commentaries on the Gallic War). However, in fact, Gallic tribes are considered to have inhabited the area as long ago as 1,500 BCE.

Besancon has an interesting history as it was ruled by many states over the passage of time. It has been a part of Charlemagne’s Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, being independent, under the Duke of Burgundy, and under Spanish and French rule who continued changing hands frequently between them. It gained much significance during the Napoleonic Wars when the town was bombarded by the Austrians in 1814. It was also important during the Franco-Prussian War, and captured by the Nazis during World War II.

The Citadel of Besançon is a major tourist attraction in the city. It was built by the famous architect Vauban in the 17th century and is visited by about a quarter of a million visitors every year. The Citadel houses many museums, a restaurant, shops and a zoo where you can see and touch lions, baboons and fish. The place exudes such an ambiance that everybody gets enthralled by the wonderful experience.  You will get an opportunity to see spectacular views of the countryside and the town while strolling around its fortifications.

Besancon is one of the best-preserved Renaissance cities. The historic part of the city located in the “Boucle” of the river is simply stunning with the remains of what is supposed to have been a theatre in Castan Square-eight Roman Corinthian columns among the town’s most ancient allures.

Another high point of Besancon is Granvelle Palace, the museum of time. The Tuscan, Ionic and Corinthian columns along with three gothic windows which used to be the characteristics of the Granvelle Palace once have become part of the splendid museum of time now.

The museum of Fine Arts and Archeology is yet another attraction of the city and a must visit place. It boasts of being one of the oldest and richest museums of France and exhibits collections from Primitive and Renaissance painters.

Get aboard our European river cruise and enjoy a wonderful family vacation to Besancon!

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907, jan@europeanbarging.com

The Route of the Grand Cru Wines of France – Barge Cruise

Wine-making is a tradition in Burgundy dating back to the days of Charlemagne when monks started it. With an art so old, the locals obviously got years of experience to make the perfect wines in the region. This is the most enchanting countryside of France and has the honor of having some world-class wineries. Burgundy is one of the most important historic sites in France with some prominent places listed on UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The winegrowers in Burgundy have only small vineyards which are hardly more than 10 hectares and they produce small volumes of very good wine. Burgundy reds are produced from pinot noir grapes and the best vintages demand 10 to 20 years of age whereas the whites are produced from chardonnay.

The Route of the Grand Cru Wines (the Route des Grands Crus) is the most famous wine route in Burgundy region and a much sought after tourist attraction.

Starting from Dijon in the north and expanding to the wine village of Santenay in the south, the Route des Grands Crus, takes you through the vineyards of the Côte de Nuits and the Côte de Beaune and the back hills (Hautes-Côtes) behind and above the wine slopes. This 60-kilometre stretch is punctuated by around 38 picturesque localities including villages and little towns, many with  picturesque churches.

The Grands Crus Wine Route is only a few hundred yards wide and positioned at an altitude of between 300 and 400 meters. The route is signaled by panels with a brown background showing a white bunch of grapes (Route Touristique des Grands Crus de Bourgogne).

From Santenay through Chassagne-Montrachet, Mersault, Nuits St Georges, Beaune, Gevrey-Chambertin and all the other famous names of 38 villages on the Cote d’Or to Dijon, the Route Touristique des Grands Crus de Bourgogne is a well-signposted route for cars, cycling or walking exploring the vineyards of Burgundy. The area is normally peaceful with the exception of the main towns. So as you travel off the main roads, it will help you discover some of the nuances of the countryside which make some areas more special than others.

And it’s not about vineyards only as you travel along the Grands Crus Wine Route. On the way, you will come across some of the prettiest villages in France as the wine growers are as much attentive about their villages as their vineyards. You will be delighted to see the clusters of stone houses decorated with geraniums. The narrow cobbled streets in between further add to the beauty of these villages.

Book your family vacation on our France barge cruise or Burgundy cruise and take an unforgettable road trip through the Route of the Grand Cru Wines and marvel at the breathtaking vineyards, historic monuments and some exquisite UNESCO World Heritage Sites!

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907, jan@europeanbarging.com

Po River Cruises – Pre or Post Stay in Lake Como

Situated in Lombardy in Northern Italy, Lake Como is the most popular as well as the deepest lake in Italy. It exists between Milan and the border of Switzerland with its southern end about 40km north of Milan. It is a lake of glacial origin with an area of 146 square kilometers making it the third largest lake in the country. Lake Como is a part of the Italian Lake District and a much sought after tourist destination since Roman times when it used to be a favored haven for aristocrats and wealthy people. It continues to be one of the top most tourist attractions even today with many artistic and cultural treasures.

Lake Como has a very picturesque setting wherein it is encircled by mountains and hills and sprinkled with attractive villas and resort villages. You will be delighted to find nice trekking paths, boat tours and water activities here.

Lake Como has a peculiar shape much like an inverted “Y”. The two legs start at Como in the South-West and Lecco in the South-East, joining together half way up and the lake proceeds up to Colico in the North. While the initial few kilometers of the ‘legs’ at the southern end of the lake are comparatively flat,  Lake Como continues to become more mountainous as you move northwards into the Alps. As some adjacent peaks rise somewhat above the tree-line, the views are spectacular. If you plan your vacation in winter, you can enjoy skiing in the nearby valleys.

The surrounding area of the Lake Como is very distinctive. It exudes a particular elegance and feel of history that leaves a strong impression on visitors. No doubt, it has been much celebrated for its attractiveness as well as uniqueness for ages. The characteristic atmosphere and natural landscape of the place has inspired a significant part of the creation of Naboo, in the Star Wars movies.

Lake Como and the surrounding area have a lot of beauty, history and exciting activities to enthrall the visitors. Book your vacation on our Po River cruise and visit the Lake Como area on a pre or post stay as a part of the excursions to Northern Italy schedule!

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907, jan@europeanbarging.com

Visit Nantes on a Loire River Cruise or French Barge Cruise

Nantes is a vibrant and innovative city situated on the banks of Loire River, 50km from the Atlantic coast. The sixth largest city in France, Nantes is popularly known as the green wonder of western France. It was named as ‘the most liveable city in Europe by Time Magazine in 2004 and in 2013 it received the title of European Green Capital.

Nantes is the capital city of the Pays de la Loire region. It was one of the most important cities of the historic province of Brittany, and the ancient Duchy (capital) of Brittany. Though Nantes was officially separated from Brittany in 1789, it continues to be culturally Breton and still largely considered as its capital city. The fact is that you can separate Nantes from Brittany due to the regional boundaries created during WWII, but you can never separate Brittany from its long-time capital, Nantes which is called Naoned in Breton.

Nantes was the leading port of France by the 18th century. It prospered on the triangular trade with Africa and the West Indies. During the 19th century when the slavery was scrapped, Nantes transformed into a front line industrial centre. It has the honor of being the place where the world’s first public-transport service, the omnibus, started in 1826. Shipbuilding was a thriving industry which secured the city’s economy until the late 20th century. With the relocation of shipyards westwards to St-Nazaire, Nantes converted itself into a flourishing student and cultural center. Nantes also takes pride in being the home of the science fiction writer Jules Verne.

Frequent rainfalls take place throughout the year and temperatures are cool. Even if it is sunny, always stay prepared as it is common for short but fierce tempests to appear all of a sudden. It is always desirable to carry an umbrella or raincoat when you step out. Winters are generally mild.

Place du Commerce is the wonderful medieval center of the city and anybody can guide you towards it. Nearby, you will find la Place Royale, le Quai de la Fosse and la rue Crébillon famous for its exclusive shops.

Nantes has so much to offer. Book your European family vacation on our French barge cruise, French river cruise or Loire river cruise for an unforgettable cruising experience!

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907, jan@europeanbarging.com

Konigswinter on a Rhine River Cruise

A city as well as a summer resort, Konigswinter is located on the right bank of the Rhine River, at the foot of the Siebengebirge in Germany. Konigswinter is a complex city that consists of the “main city” straight in the Rhine valley and the suburb of “Dollendorf” on one side and a number of bigger and smaller villages in the Siebengebirge, such as Ittenbach, Oberpleis, Stieldorf, Heisterbach or Thomasberg on the other side.

Konigswinter has many wonderful sights to offer. The romantic Drachenfels, the hill overlooking the city presents a spectacular view. It is surmounted by the remains of a castle built in the early 12th century by the archbishop of Cologne. The summit of the hill can be approached by the Drachenfels Railway and here you will be enthralled to see a magnificent view, immortalized by Lord Byron in his unforgettable poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.

According to a legend, a cave in the hill has sheltered the dragon (German: Drachen) which was killed by the hero Siegfried. The mountain is quarried and provided stone for the construction of Cologne Cathedral since1267. The Schloss Drachenberg, a neogothic castle built in 1883, stands on the north side of the hill.

Siebengebirge also offers several stunning places in the forests and many breathtaking views on the Rhine valley. Once you have visited the city of Konigswinter, you can go ahead and explore the “Siebengebirge”.

You can start your trip into the forests from”Margarethenhöhe” which is around 520 kilometers from Königswinter and can be approached by bus or by car. Parking places are normally available here, but you have to pay for them.  From here you can go to the Ölberg which is about half an hour. It is the highest mountain in the area, with a delightful view of the landscape.  Next, you can stroll to the Löwenburg which is an old castle belonging to the middle ages and persists in ruins today. You can also go to the Milchhäuschen, a small restaurant in the forest and then to the Drachenfels. If you want to visit Oberdollendorf marked by tiny old houses and wine restaurants, you can catch the bus 521. You can also go to Heisterbach, the remains of a church inside the forest.

You can book your family vacation on board our European river cruise or German river cruise or Rhine river cruise and visit the amazing city of Kongiswinter!

For more information contact: Europeanbarging, 888-869-7907, jan@europeanbarging.com