Genzano di Roma Flower Italy Festival Held in June 2014

A Famous Festival Full of Flowers

Italy FestivalItaly is famous for holding “infiorata”, which means “decorated with flowers.” Infiorata is a traditional flower festival that is observed all across Italy during May and June. During infiorata, the streets are carpeted with stunning works of art created by flower petals. Flower carpets are everywhere; in abbeys, buildings, stores, homes and cover the city in true beauty. Infiorata varies from place to place and in the level of complexity around the country. In certain places, the infiorata is a simple flower-petal design in front of the church. In a more elaborate infiorata, many different tapestries are created, each with a different picture, but usually inspired by a certain theme.

Infiorata is one of the most important events related to Italian culture. In order to create the flower design, the design is first sketched with chalk on the pavement. Then usually soil is used to outline the design and after that it’s filled in with thousands of petals and seeds, quite like the making of mosaics or tapestries. The whole beautiful task takes two or three days to complete. Once the flower design is complete, usually a religious procession takes place on the flower carpets.

Though the infiorata takes place in many Italian towns, it is particularly stunning in the town of Genzano di Roma where the entire street of Via Italo Belardi is covered with allegorical carpets of flowers and a masked parade walks the street wearing medieval and traditional clothes crafted by local women.

For more than 2 centuries (from 1778), the display has covered the streets of Genzano on Sunday and Monday following the Corpus Christus feast. The theme for infiorata is decided well in advance and each year local artists must conform to the previously agreed upon theme, such as The Colours of Michelangelo, or The Designs of Bernini. During spring, it has recently become a tradition to have a “mini Infiorata” made by the children from the local schools. Here are the flowers like you’ve never seen before! This amazing Italy festival is so captivating and alluring you can’t afford to miss it.

Holiday Goodness at the Italy Festival

Book your holiday on our Po river cruise and behold the so picturesque, so attractive and so artistic Genzano di Roma Flower Italy Festival!